Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Received A Gift

Our youngest daughter, Katie, and grandson, Elijah, came to visit with us a couple of days ago. We had a wonderful visit. Usually, the first thing Elijah does when he comes into the house is to run to our bedroom looking for Papa's licorice. He loves licorice. Black. Red. It doesn't matter. Licorice is licorice.
Elijah attends pre-school while his mom is at school or work and he made me something special while at school the other day.

It's a beautiful butterfly! I have placed it in my sewing room so I can look at it while I am working on a project and think of Elijah.

We went to the river to cool off. Elijah loves the water. He found a log to jump off of while someone was there to catch him as he hit the water. He thought that was great. He also loves to throw the rocks except him and Papa go to war when he throws them around our antique cars... but that's for another day. LOL

Isn't being a grandparent wonderful?


Roslyn said...

h, rocks & antique cars do not go together!
i like your musical angels quilt, very sweet & feminine, Dena. said...

Dena, your blog hss so much content! I might even have a shot at being a decent cook if I studied your detailed instructions. I am really taken with Elijah's butterfly. Now that I am homeschooling, I am always looking for a neat craft. Laurel loves butterflies and I have all the making for this project! I see a butterfly in her future. I'm not sure about mt cooking....Thanks for this great blog. Janice