I spent all day Saturday visiting with a group of friends while sewing, laughing, eating, and laughing some more. There is nothing better than spending the day with friends.
Each month we have a potluck based on a theme of which I'm the coordinator of. This month I chose a theme based on the movie Steel Magnolias and the character's band of friendship. We had Po'k and Beans, Potato Salad, Biscuits and Gravy, Deviled Eggs, Iced Tea, Cookies, Ham and/or Roast Beef Sandwiches, and BBQ Smokies and Meatballs. Yummo!
Aside from the laughs and food that we all share, one of my favorite events at our sew-ins is show 'n tell. Who can walk away from eye candy?
This quilt was made by my friend Diane while participating in a mystery challenge and quilted by my friend Jo Ann's husband Larry. It is made from gorgeous Batiks and the feathers Larry quilted really showcase the quilt's design. Spectacular quilt!
This was created by my friend Joy. She does some of the best appliqued quilts I've seen. I know many quilters who have cats and I'm sure each of them can relate to the four cats depicted in this quilt. LOL
Here is another quilt created by Joy. If I remember correctly, she made it for a local library and the one above is a duplicate of what she gave to the library. I just love the alligator dancing on top of the books while playing the saxophone. If you look closely, you can see the ladybugs crawling along the vine around the alligator. Precious!
While we were at the sew-in, Joy was working on this clock. It is part of a Baltimore Album quilt she's working on. Isn't her work beautiful?
My friend Vicki makes a lot of humanitarian quilts and does beautiful work. She is also an expert at applique. This quilt pattern is called Yellow Brick Road and is very popular among quilters who donate their quilts. I love the bright fabrics Vicki used.
Here is another humanitarian quilt assembled by Vicki using the Yellow Brick Road pattern but with different fabrics. This would make a cute baby quilt, don't you think?
Vicki made this quilt in celebration of our annual Tulip Festival. She did a great job creating a scene of our tulips fields during the festival.
Here is another quilt created by Vicki. I love this wall hanging. A couple of us tried to convince her to donate this to us, but she wasn't falling for it.
One of our group challenges this year is a Round Robin challenge based on a Christmas Carol. The challenge was set for 6 months where each month we are given a set of instructions and we all carry out those instructions by working on our own quilts. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I am behind on my challenge quilt and am only on challenge one...
This one is Daisy's Round Robin challenge. The first part of our challenge was to create a 22 1/2" block based on a Christmas Carol. Daisy chose Let It Snow, Let It Snow. The second challenge was to add a 2 1/2" border, followed by the third challenge of setting the block on point by adding corners. Our fourth challenge was to add a 4 1/2" pieced border (if I remember correctly), and the fifth challenge is to set the block on point again by adding corners. Our sixth challenge is to add a 6 1/2" border.
Here is a close-up of Daisy's initial block and pieced border. I think she has done a fantastic job.
This one is my friend's Jo's Round Robin Challenge. Hers is based on the Christmas Carol 'Twas The Night Before Christmas.
Jo did a lot of beautiful embellishments on her challenge quilt. Unfortunately, the picture doesn't really showcase it. Jo is another one who's applique skills are what I term as expert.
I had to take a close-up of her border to showcase her beautiful work. She chose a real creative way to continue her Christmas Carol theme into the outer borders by adding additional applique.
Not bad for a Saturday afternoon... What did you do?

looks like you guys had a great day! and your lunch alone, oh my.....thanks so much for sharing the great photos. I'd love to know the pattern maker for the first one, which Diane made.
Thanks Dena!
Oh my, you are such a talented group of ladies!!! I absolutely enjoyed the quilt show!
Thank you for sharing and inspiring me.
Well, actually, I went to a sew-in LOL. Thanks for the great pictures of everything and thanks for the nice comments about my Christmas Quilt.
Can't wait for next month. I love these sew-ins.
I love the idea of a Christmas Song challenge...I might bring this idea up at my next board meeting of my group New Friends.
Bye the way all of the quilts are lovely
What a fun way to spend a Saturday!
Dena...thank you so much for the quilt show! They are beautiful...
Dena, I have to agree, it does a body good to get together with a bunch of ladies enjoying the same hobbies. Beautiful work.
Hi Deana
When I was little I used to think Christmas was one of the greatest days of the year - but after seeing you gals get together - I think that must be one of the greatest days - no matter who comes. Doing things for love - makes it so special.
Hi Dena! I've enjoyed your comments on my blog and I finally decided I needed to visit your's. It is very interesting and full of great pictures and sharing. I did not know you were from Washington state. We are visiting your area in September this year. We will be staying at the Thousand Trails campground in La Connor. We always visit the Quilt Museum when there.
Will you give me your url so I can follow your blog?
Lots of yummy eye candy! Everything is so wonderful!
Some great quilts here! I picked my favorite, in my head, but hats off to all!
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