Monday, May 18, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog. Recently I have become drawn into the world of blogs. I've spent hours and hours reading blogs and have decided to create one of my own. For the most part I will be posting information on current projects and family news with a recipe or two thrown in once in a while. Occassionally you might find a few rantings on social issues as well, but those will be kept to a minimum.
So, for now, cop a squat, grab yourself a nice glass of iced tea, and relax as you join me on my journey into cyberspace.

1 comment:

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Well,that was fun - and enlightening. I need more organization - though I am fairly organized and at least I generally know where stuff is - because I've labeled my plastic totes - I have the clear ones so I can also see inside. Thanks for the great tour.