My ramblings on family, sewing, quilting, machine embroidery, cooking, and life in general.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
100th Post Giveaway

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Strawberry Shortcake
If you’ve ever tasted food freshly picked from your garden then you can understand my enthusiasm. My husband lives for this time of the year. One of his favorites is fresh strawberry shortcake. He believes strawberry shortcake was created for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I’ve tried to explain to him nutrition, but he states strawberry shortcake contains all of the necessary nutrients for his existence: dairy and fruit. It’s hard to argue with his logic since it does contain eggs, cream, butter, and fresh strawberries. But this is a man who lives for the holidays when his mother makes him egg nog pie and I bake him pumpkin pie.
Have you ever watched the Cosby Show starring Bill Cosby? Cliff Huxtable has a weakness for subway sandwiches and greasy chips washed down with soda drank from a 2-liter bottle. The sandwich mimics something you’d see Dagwood from the Blondie comic strip eat. But as he prepares to eat this subway sandwich, which is forbidden by his wife Claire Huxtable, pure enjoyment is displayed in his facial expression. That is my husband eating strawberry shortcake, egg nog pie, and pumpkin pie.
How can I keep him from such pure pleasure? It would be like him trying to keep me from fabric.

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Brand New Day!
The snow lands delicately onto the ground covering everything in its path. Not a blemish in sight. If you take a deep breath, the air is cool as it fills your lungs and everything smells cleans. And only after you have taken a step as you build a new path does a definitive direction appear. Of course, as you change directions the whiteness of the snow begins to change color and you begin to see the hidden ground, or the results of your path underneath each step. You can always change direction as you’re walking, but the path you left behind will always remain… until the overnight snowfall covers it up so a new path can be formed.
So, today is my Brand New Day where I have awakened to admire the freshly fallen snow and have chosen a new path, leaving yesterday’s path behind. Sometimes, I may have to close my eyes as I take a couple of deep breaths before putting one foot in front of the other, but I know I will have the power to face the day with renewed energy and courage, regardless of my path from yesterday.
With this, I am going to work in my sewing room today. Initially, I plan to work on piecing the backing of my musical angels quilt. But if by chance I work on one of my other sewing or quilting projects, I know I will approach the change with a positive, enthusiastic approach.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
No Time For Sewing
This week has been busy and it looks as though I will be even busier as I move into the next couple of weeks.
This week has been doctor appointments and doing things for a friend. Next week I'm toddler proofing my house as three of my grandchildren are coming for a visit. One of them is my 2 year old granddaughter. I also have several family obligations the next two weeks because my sister-in-law and her family will be visiting from Utah. The following week I have a wedding to attend, with three grand kids. So I've been busy cleaning house and synchronizing the family schedule all week. I just don't have the energy.
What do you do when you hit a rut like this? Do you have a trick that energizes you and gets you in the mood?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
White vs Bright Pink Icing
Some very good friends of ours granddaughter celebrated her third birthday. Children are always so excited about birthdays. I think they begin the countdown to their next birthday the day after this year's birthday. The adults are always busy preparing for the party to make sure everything is perfect, but the guest of honor is interested in three things: Who's coming, how many presents, and what kind of cake and ice cream are we having. At the age of three, I believe their only concern is the cake, ice cream, and presents. Not necessarily in that order.
As I was getting dressed I made the decision to wear my brand new white pants and a raspberry knit top. My only defense is I must have been in a daze from the cloud cover outside. I wasn't thinking. Anyone who has spent any time with three year olds knows they do not get along with white. White anything.
We arrived at our friend's house and the guest of honor, Jasmine, and I spent time playing with the balloons. We talked about their colors while we tossed them in the air. When we weren't tossing the balloons, we were outside talking and/or playing. Everything was going great. We had a nice BBQ with great conversation. Jasmine opened her gifts while modeling her presents for Nana to take the pictures and I was keeping the gifts and wrapping paper separate and orderly. Then came the cake. Jasmine's cake had Tinker Bell on it with bright pink flowers on green icing. We all sang happy birthday to her and cheered her on as she blew out her three candles. I was helping Jasmine with her cake and ice cream...
About ten minutes after we were finished with the cake and ice cream I happened to look down at my new white pants and discovered I had bright pink icing on the left leg of my new white pants.
I have raised five children. I have nine grandchildren of my own. My oldest son is thirty-two next month and my oldest grandson is fourteen. So I have a lot of years of experience. I've given a lot of birthday parties. I was room mother every year as the kids were growing up. Sometimes in two classrooms at the same time. I knew better! This is not the first time I've had something spilled or smeared on me at the hands of a small child. I immediately when into damage control mode.
My friend brought me one of those laundry pens and a clean damp cloth. I began to squeeze and rub... squeeze and rub... bright pink icing smears... it begins to spread on white lycra jeans... I squeezed and rubbed some more... finally; I took the damp cloth and blotted before squeezing and rubbing again. When my friend and I saw it was only smearing she suggested using this cleaner she used on her countertops. She had used it to get the bright pink icing off her countertops and it worked great. I was saying I'll just go get some Rit Dye to change the color of my new white pants. But, I thought it couldn't hurt to try. I sprayed it on. No change. I shrugged my shoulders and went back outside to visit with everyone. As I said before, this isn't the first time I've had something stained...
After sitting outside for an hour or so and the pant leg continued to dry, the bright pink stain began to fade. I don't know if it was the laundry pen or the cleaning solution used on the countertops. It really doesn't matter because I will never buy white anything anymore. White and me don't get along.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Summer is Here!
Because we live in an area known for rain, I find myself racing to see if my flowers will survive our weather. Sort of a game to see which will arrive first. My flowers or the rain? I must admit, this year is somewhat disappointing for me because I wasn't able to work in my gardens or plant a vegetable garden because of my broken ankle. So my gardens are not full of beautiful blooms.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Musical Angels Quilt - Border On!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Musical Angels Quilt - Update